Work parties at the Millennium Green
Work parties are held on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month starting at 10.00 a.m.
Duke of Edinburgh Award students are welcome - to do Bronze, Silver or Gold Volunteering.
All volunteers should wear suitable 'gardening clothing' with appropriate outdoor shoes or boots and bring gloves. All tools are provided by the Trust.
The work parties last from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and coffee and biscuits are provided afterwards.
If you can help, even occasionally, please contact [email protected]
Or just turn up one Sunday morning at 10.00 a.m.
Duke of Edinburgh Award students are welcome - to do Bronze, Silver or Gold Volunteering.
All volunteers should wear suitable 'gardening clothing' with appropriate outdoor shoes or boots and bring gloves. All tools are provided by the Trust.
The work parties last from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and coffee and biscuits are provided afterwards.
If you can help, even occasionally, please contact [email protected]
Or just turn up one Sunday morning at 10.00 a.m.
Sunday Februart 9
Sunday Autumn / Winter 2024 -2025
Sun October 13
Field 2 - removing nettles, burdocks and this year's brambles between the oak tree at the top of the slope and the concrete seat.
A successful party with 10 people including two D of E students starting Gold. All the area cleared (7 sheep introduced 12 Oct).
Sun October 27
8 people including two of our D of E students cleared the season's growth of willow herb, bramble etc, around both ponds in the first field, opening up the light and warmth onto the ponds and encouraging new growth. Some willow was coppiced at pond two, in line with the Trustees' recommendations at the June 'walk round'.
Sunday November 10 - no work party - Remembrance Sunday
Sunday November 24
Entrance/roadside: Annual cut of roadside hedge; trim excess tree overhang around entrance gates.
Had also hoped to install the new boardwalk seat built by the 'Men's Shed' but unfortunately the work party had to be cancelled - rained off by Storm Bert - and with strong winds in the working area.
Sunday December 8
Field 1 / Field 2: Annual cut / trim of planted hedge between Field 1 and Field 2. Tidy-up of both sides of hedge between five bar gate and top lychgate.
Change of plan - the team cleared a fallen ash tree and reopened the boardwalk following Storm Darragh the day before. The new seat in the southwest corner was installed; and half of the little stream valley was cleared. 10 volunteers altogether.
Sunday December 22 Field 2: Cut back this year’s bramble and nettle growth up F2 first slope. Strim / clear area at top of slope above steps to oak tree. Check path along F2 west side fence. Again - a change of plan: a focus on tidying up Field 1 after Storm Darragh and before Christmas. 10 volunteers cleared the moat of watercress and fallen branches, cleared the year's growth piled up from the stream, cut back brambles from the south fence, cut some of the yew tree at the entrance for better light and visibility, put up a bat box, tidied the area by the entrance used as a dump - and still found time to cut back brambles on the ridge and furrow in Field 2. One D of E student got good experience using the waders. Thanks to Jenny and Paul for the mince pies!
Sunday December 29 - extra work party for D of E students
Action agreed at June Trustees’ inspection: General clearance of ‘north east corner’ along the course of the stream - willow herb, yellow flag iris, brambles, nettles.
A start was made to clear the northeast corner of Field 2 - though with only one D of E student, and four other volunteers, progress was limited. But the weather was benign and some bramble growth and Storm Darragh tree damage was also cleared from the east fence in the area. It was noticed that the strainer wire had been cut in at least two places, and this will be repaired.
Sunday January 12
Field 1: Copse area - remove brambles and saplings and coppice some hazel if required
With a strong work party of 10 volunteers including two new D of E students, the whole copse was cleared and also the east moat bank - a good result which helps put us ahead of the seasonal plan.
Sunday January 26
Field 1: Finish copse area. Cut back east and south side moat banks and area between boardwalk and roadside hedge
Sunday February 9
Field 2: Clear new scrub growth from top path down slope to the spring. Prune all fruit tree branches overhanging at eye level and clear insides of tree guards.
Sunday February 23
Field 2: General maintenance of ‘middle hedge’ and grassland area around lower fruit trees beyond wet flush.
Sunday March 9
Field 2: Clear some willow herb, bullrush, brambles and ash saplings in wet flush. Restore small pond. Repair F2 boardwalks as required
Sunday March 23
Field 2: Cut back brambles growing into grassland at top of slope beyond main steps. Carry out any repairs to main steps. Ensure access along F2 north side fence is clear.
Sunday Autumn / Winter 2024 -2025
Sun October 13
Field 2 - removing nettles, burdocks and this year's brambles between the oak tree at the top of the slope and the concrete seat.
A successful party with 10 people including two D of E students starting Gold. All the area cleared (7 sheep introduced 12 Oct).
Sun October 27
8 people including two of our D of E students cleared the season's growth of willow herb, bramble etc, around both ponds in the first field, opening up the light and warmth onto the ponds and encouraging new growth. Some willow was coppiced at pond two, in line with the Trustees' recommendations at the June 'walk round'.
Sunday November 10 - no work party - Remembrance Sunday
Sunday November 24
Entrance/roadside: Annual cut of roadside hedge; trim excess tree overhang around entrance gates.
Had also hoped to install the new boardwalk seat built by the 'Men's Shed' but unfortunately the work party had to be cancelled - rained off by Storm Bert - and with strong winds in the working area.
Sunday December 8
Field 1 / Field 2: Annual cut / trim of planted hedge between Field 1 and Field 2. Tidy-up of both sides of hedge between five bar gate and top lychgate.
Change of plan - the team cleared a fallen ash tree and reopened the boardwalk following Storm Darragh the day before. The new seat in the southwest corner was installed; and half of the little stream valley was cleared. 10 volunteers altogether.
Sunday December 22 Field 2: Cut back this year’s bramble and nettle growth up F2 first slope. Strim / clear area at top of slope above steps to oak tree. Check path along F2 west side fence. Again - a change of plan: a focus on tidying up Field 1 after Storm Darragh and before Christmas. 10 volunteers cleared the moat of watercress and fallen branches, cleared the year's growth piled up from the stream, cut back brambles from the south fence, cut some of the yew tree at the entrance for better light and visibility, put up a bat box, tidied the area by the entrance used as a dump - and still found time to cut back brambles on the ridge and furrow in Field 2. One D of E student got good experience using the waders. Thanks to Jenny and Paul for the mince pies!
Sunday December 29 - extra work party for D of E students
Action agreed at June Trustees’ inspection: General clearance of ‘north east corner’ along the course of the stream - willow herb, yellow flag iris, brambles, nettles.
A start was made to clear the northeast corner of Field 2 - though with only one D of E student, and four other volunteers, progress was limited. But the weather was benign and some bramble growth and Storm Darragh tree damage was also cleared from the east fence in the area. It was noticed that the strainer wire had been cut in at least two places, and this will be repaired.
Sunday January 12
Field 1: Copse area - remove brambles and saplings and coppice some hazel if required
With a strong work party of 10 volunteers including two new D of E students, the whole copse was cleared and also the east moat bank - a good result which helps put us ahead of the seasonal plan.
Sunday January 26
Field 1: Finish copse area. Cut back east and south side moat banks and area between boardwalk and roadside hedge
Sunday February 9
Field 2: Clear new scrub growth from top path down slope to the spring. Prune all fruit tree branches overhanging at eye level and clear insides of tree guards.
Sunday February 23
Field 2: General maintenance of ‘middle hedge’ and grassland area around lower fruit trees beyond wet flush.
Sunday March 9
Field 2: Clear some willow herb, bullrush, brambles and ash saplings in wet flush. Restore small pond. Repair F2 boardwalks as required
Sunday March 23
Field 2: Cut back brambles growing into grassland at top of slope beyond main steps. Carry out any repairs to main steps. Ensure access along F2 north side fence is clear.
Prior work party plan - completed.....
Spring / Summer 2024
Sun April 14
Field 2: Work on wet flush area – removing some dead willow herb, sedge grass, reedmace etc, and trim adjacent bramble clumps as required. Clear excess vegetation from small pond beside boardwalk.
The work party's attention was diverted to moving the sheep from the second field - an exercise not without its difficulties, but successfully achieved...! Nettles were also pulled over an area of the slope of Field 2 near the fruit trees. A dozen volunteers, including a member of the new Inkberrow environment Group, enjoyed the spring sunshine.
Sun April 28
Field 2: Cut/pull new nettle growth on ‘silt heap’ in lower part of field. Improve drainage on silt heap – dig channels through the dumped silt to support re-creation of the ridge and furrow landscape.
A further change of plan, so as to prepare the moat repair site, granted Consent from Historic England, for the Jaguar Land-Rover work party on 30 April - 10 volunteers placed end stakes in the moat, prepared the interweaving coppiced hazel and the site in the top corner for soil extraction. Netting in the second field was also repaired after a safety related incident two days before, and some cutting back around the entrance.
Tues April 30
Jaguar Land-Rover CSR Party: (see also under Corporate events drop down)
A brilliant morning with a great effort from 23 volunteers - mainly in repairing the eroded moat bank but also cutting brambles and improving our woodland. Good weather - and hopefully a good time was had by all.
Sun May 12
Field 1: Prepare Pond 2 for School visits – 6 access points with clear water and pond edges. Strim around the two seats, and remove all brambles and nettles by pond. Cut back brambles / nettles around picnic tables and in area of alder tree by stream access. Check levels of boardwalk - rectify any trip hazards.
Other priorities were tackled by the 11-strong work party, in warm weather - adding an extra bank post and interweaving to the JLR moat bank repair, placing some new flagstones kindly donated by Richard S in the muddy area by pond 2 - and clearing the nettles from the silt heap.
Sun May 26
Field 2: Clear new nettle / thistle growth in grassland around the concrete seat, in the orchard and down slopes.
The group of 8 concentrated on the area at the top of the slope by the oak tree in the second field, pulling nettles and thistles.
Sun Jun 9
Field 2: Restoration of environment of the two lower fruit trees and the area around, in lower mid field. Continue removing invasive nettles / thistles / brambles in lower part of field and on silt heap.
In a slightly different programme, the group of 9 concentrating on clearing brambles and willow herb from the spring in the second field prior to a Year 6 visit on 18th June. Additionally, brambles were cleared from the adjacent bank in the lower mid field - a regular annual task. Meanwhile, Rob Hughes used his excellent 1966 Massey Ferguson tractor and mower attachment to give a much needed cut to the main paths and picnic area in Fields 1 and 2. The Trust are very grateful to Rob for volunteering to do this.
Sun June 23
Field 1: Remove hogweed, dock leaves, nettles and some thistles from the lower areas prior to annual mowing / baling of field. Check small stream. Check / clear pond 2 access for remaining School visits.
Only a small party - 7 today - but a tremendous job was done in clearing all the hogweed from the areas to be mowed in Field 1 next month.
Sun July 14
Field 1: Annual cut / strim of moat banks – west and north sides. Pull excess moat plant growth out of water on west side and leave to dry on bank before removal.
8 volunteers including new D of E Gold student cut all the west moat bank, whilst 1 started the cut back and barrier improvement around pond 2
Sun July 28
Field 1: Clear Blackthorn area 3 - west side of Field 1
Continue annual cut / strim of moat banks – south and east sides.
A warm morning - but fortunately the work on the north moat bank was in the shade. 9 volunteers split the day's tasks between the moat bank (nearly finished!), the Blackthorn areas by the beech hedge and by the concrete seat (led by Jane R) and the replacement of a rotten wooden step in Field 2.
Sun Aug 11
Field 1: “Strimming party” to commence strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Cut new invasive brambles in dumping area in mid-field.
Another warm day. 11 volunteers (some part time) using 4 strimmers. A good amount of the top bank was cleared and raked. Anthills exposed for potential removal at the lower level, to improve access for cutting in 2025. Brambles in the dumping area cut too - so all in all a satisfactory morning.
Sun Aug 25
Field 1: “Strimming party” to complete strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Check / lubricate all locks, hinges and other metalwork.
Only 7 volunteers today, and two strimmers, but a lot achieved in the grassland.
Sun Sept 8
Field 2: Clear any new invasive blackthorn in grass area near concrete seat and elsewhere in field (leaving Management Plan area 1)
The work in Field 1 had not been completed, so today's plan was delayed till next time. In Field 1, the remaining cut brambles were cleared. Rain stopped play before any further work could be done on hay raking and maintaining the wooden steps in Field 2.
Sun Sept 29
Field 2: Prepare the field for winter sheep grazing – remove excess nettles and thistles and all seeded burdocks. Check fences.
The work party on the 22 Sept was washed out, so a new date of 29 Sept was added. 5 volunteers removed brambles, nettles and burdock from the path margins and the grassland at the top of the Field 2 wooden steps. 1 volunteer cleared excess flag iris from the large pond and pruned some willow on the pond margin.
Spring / Summer 2024
Sun April 14
Field 2: Work on wet flush area – removing some dead willow herb, sedge grass, reedmace etc, and trim adjacent bramble clumps as required. Clear excess vegetation from small pond beside boardwalk.
The work party's attention was diverted to moving the sheep from the second field - an exercise not without its difficulties, but successfully achieved...! Nettles were also pulled over an area of the slope of Field 2 near the fruit trees. A dozen volunteers, including a member of the new Inkberrow environment Group, enjoyed the spring sunshine.
Sun April 28
Field 2: Cut/pull new nettle growth on ‘silt heap’ in lower part of field. Improve drainage on silt heap – dig channels through the dumped silt to support re-creation of the ridge and furrow landscape.
A further change of plan, so as to prepare the moat repair site, granted Consent from Historic England, for the Jaguar Land-Rover work party on 30 April - 10 volunteers placed end stakes in the moat, prepared the interweaving coppiced hazel and the site in the top corner for soil extraction. Netting in the second field was also repaired after a safety related incident two days before, and some cutting back around the entrance.
Tues April 30
Jaguar Land-Rover CSR Party: (see also under Corporate events drop down)
A brilliant morning with a great effort from 23 volunteers - mainly in repairing the eroded moat bank but also cutting brambles and improving our woodland. Good weather - and hopefully a good time was had by all.
Sun May 12
Field 1: Prepare Pond 2 for School visits – 6 access points with clear water and pond edges. Strim around the two seats, and remove all brambles and nettles by pond. Cut back brambles / nettles around picnic tables and in area of alder tree by stream access. Check levels of boardwalk - rectify any trip hazards.
Other priorities were tackled by the 11-strong work party, in warm weather - adding an extra bank post and interweaving to the JLR moat bank repair, placing some new flagstones kindly donated by Richard S in the muddy area by pond 2 - and clearing the nettles from the silt heap.
Sun May 26
Field 2: Clear new nettle / thistle growth in grassland around the concrete seat, in the orchard and down slopes.
The group of 8 concentrated on the area at the top of the slope by the oak tree in the second field, pulling nettles and thistles.
Sun Jun 9
Field 2: Restoration of environment of the two lower fruit trees and the area around, in lower mid field. Continue removing invasive nettles / thistles / brambles in lower part of field and on silt heap.
In a slightly different programme, the group of 9 concentrating on clearing brambles and willow herb from the spring in the second field prior to a Year 6 visit on 18th June. Additionally, brambles were cleared from the adjacent bank in the lower mid field - a regular annual task. Meanwhile, Rob Hughes used his excellent 1966 Massey Ferguson tractor and mower attachment to give a much needed cut to the main paths and picnic area in Fields 1 and 2. The Trust are very grateful to Rob for volunteering to do this.
Sun June 23
Field 1: Remove hogweed, dock leaves, nettles and some thistles from the lower areas prior to annual mowing / baling of field. Check small stream. Check / clear pond 2 access for remaining School visits.
Only a small party - 7 today - but a tremendous job was done in clearing all the hogweed from the areas to be mowed in Field 1 next month.
Sun July 14
Field 1: Annual cut / strim of moat banks – west and north sides. Pull excess moat plant growth out of water on west side and leave to dry on bank before removal.
8 volunteers including new D of E Gold student cut all the west moat bank, whilst 1 started the cut back and barrier improvement around pond 2
Sun July 28
Field 1: Clear Blackthorn area 3 - west side of Field 1
Continue annual cut / strim of moat banks – south and east sides.
A warm morning - but fortunately the work on the north moat bank was in the shade. 9 volunteers split the day's tasks between the moat bank (nearly finished!), the Blackthorn areas by the beech hedge and by the concrete seat (led by Jane R) and the replacement of a rotten wooden step in Field 2.
Sun Aug 11
Field 1: “Strimming party” to commence strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Cut new invasive brambles in dumping area in mid-field.
Another warm day. 11 volunteers (some part time) using 4 strimmers. A good amount of the top bank was cleared and raked. Anthills exposed for potential removal at the lower level, to improve access for cutting in 2025. Brambles in the dumping area cut too - so all in all a satisfactory morning.
Sun Aug 25
Field 1: “Strimming party” to complete strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Check / lubricate all locks, hinges and other metalwork.
Only 7 volunteers today, and two strimmers, but a lot achieved in the grassland.
Sun Sept 8
Field 2: Clear any new invasive blackthorn in grass area near concrete seat and elsewhere in field (leaving Management Plan area 1)
The work in Field 1 had not been completed, so today's plan was delayed till next time. In Field 1, the remaining cut brambles were cleared. Rain stopped play before any further work could be done on hay raking and maintaining the wooden steps in Field 2.
Sun Sept 29
Field 2: Prepare the field for winter sheep grazing – remove excess nettles and thistles and all seeded burdocks. Check fences.
The work party on the 22 Sept was washed out, so a new date of 29 Sept was added. 5 volunteers removed brambles, nettles and burdock from the path margins and the grassland at the top of the Field 2 wooden steps. 1 volunteer cleared excess flag iris from the large pond and pruned some willow on the pond margin.
Prior work party plan - completed.....
Autumn / Winter 2023 -2024
Sunday 8 October
Field 2: Cut back brambles, bindweed, nettles along top path / slope area from oak tree to concrete seat.
Successful completion of the task by 7 volunteers
Mon 9 Oct
CSR party - F2 hedge/ east fence reconstruction
A brilliant effort by 10 volunteers from Gowling WLG law firm in Birmingham - not just the fence rebuilt, but two rotten boardwalk planks replaced and a drainage ditch dug through the 'silt heap' to stop flooding on the Field 2 path. Thanks to all involved.
Sunday 22 October
Field 1: Cut back areas round both ponds, in pond edges, and clear most of the flag iris and any debris from Pond 2
Waders required
What an effort by Edd M and Tim D! Great work moving pond iris - and also to everyone else working around ponds 2 and 1. 8 volunteers got through the morning's work, including one new D of E Silver student plus dad, who were made welcome. Afterwards, Richard S and others put up barrier tape and warning notices around the top ash tree where tree surgery will be done in early November.
Sunday 12 November
Entrance/roadside: Cut and clear roadside hedge, area between hedge and boardwalk; trim overhanging trees around entrance gates. Rake up gravel entrance path.
Unfortunately the work party had to be cancelled because of persistent rain. The hedge was cut during the following fortnight.
Sunday 26 November
Field 1 / Field 2: Cut / trim hedge between Field 1 and Field 2 near picnic tables. General tidy-up of both sides of hedge between five bar gate and top lychgate.
A good work party of 12 - despite mild drizzle. Six D of E students, two parents and four MG volunteers finished off the roadside hedge and cut / trimmed the hedge on both sides of the five bar gate.
Sunday 10 December
Field 2: Cut back this year’s bramble and nettle growth up F2 first slope. Clear small steps. Strim / clear area above steps to oak tree, and invasive plants at top of slope. Check path along F2 west side fence.
Around 12 volunteers including D of E students braved the rain to cut back the year's invasive brambles at the top of Field 2. Roger W's new seat was fitted by him and other volunteers in the pre-existing holes of the old seat by pond 1 - a brilliant job down under very wet conditions.
Sunday 24 December
Field 1: General tidy up – clear willow herb from small stream; cut back brambles / nettles around main grass dump in centre of F1 and on west slope below woodland. Trim west side hedge as required.
Around 8 volunteers - not bad for Christmas Eve. Area of Blackthorn was found to have Brown Hairstreak butterfly eggs!
Sunday 14 January
Field 1: Copse area - remove brambles and saplings and coppice some hazel as required.
An amazing 16 volunteers got the job done in one morning, plus some work on brambles at the top of the first field.
Sunday 28 January
Field 2: Clear new scrub growth in scrub-cleared areas from top path down slope to the spring.
A total of 14 volunteers (some working part of the period) completed the removal of two large areas of bramble scrub, opening up the centre of the field around the slope and the spring. The sheep were fed and the weather was mild.
Sunday 11 February
Field 2: cut back cranesbill / nettle growth on ‘silt heap’; general tidy up of ‘middle hedge’ and grass slope opposite lychgate.
The 'middle hedge area of Field 2 was tackled, with the main aim of ridding the area of intrusive brambles growing out into the grassland. One member worked on brambles between the lower wet area and the slope. A total of 14 volunteers - 8 adults and 6 D of E students were present. To early to cut back the cranesbill/nettles.
Sunday 25 February
Field 2: Clear brambles / hawthorn from lower area between wet flush and slope. Clear some willow herb and cut back brambles and ash saplings in wet flush. Tidy / repair F2 boardwalks. Nest boxes
The group of 10 volunteers tackled a large area of the wet flush, cutting and pulling out several years of growth so that the area can regenerate this summer.
Sunday 10 March
Field 1: Clear excess vegetation from the central shrub patch, remove the old barbed wire fencing from the scrub area around the second pond, coppice hazel for moat repair; clear brambles and scrub in central lower part of Field 2.
11 volunteers made much shorter work of the scrub patch and barbed wire that expected, so other jobs could be achieved too. The weather gave us a mild but dry 'window' before heavy rain at lunch.
Wednesday 13 March
NFU Mutual Insurance working party – rebuild and extend back steps in Field 2 - 9.30 to 12.30
Excellent team of 10 people achieved good result unimproved the site and safety of the path - many thanks
Sunday 24 March 2024
Field 2: Cut back brambles growing into grassland at top of slope beyond main steps and on access paths to north east corner. Check steps – repairs? Ensure access along F2 north side fence is clear.
At the final work party of the winter season, there were 12 volunteers, including 5 D of E students. Steps were repaired, a hazel coppiced and brambles cleared at the top of Field 2 - all in pleasant spring sunshine.
Autumn / Winter 2023 -2024
Sunday 8 October
Field 2: Cut back brambles, bindweed, nettles along top path / slope area from oak tree to concrete seat.
Successful completion of the task by 7 volunteers
Mon 9 Oct
CSR party - F2 hedge/ east fence reconstruction
A brilliant effort by 10 volunteers from Gowling WLG law firm in Birmingham - not just the fence rebuilt, but two rotten boardwalk planks replaced and a drainage ditch dug through the 'silt heap' to stop flooding on the Field 2 path. Thanks to all involved.
Sunday 22 October
Field 1: Cut back areas round both ponds, in pond edges, and clear most of the flag iris and any debris from Pond 2
Waders required
What an effort by Edd M and Tim D! Great work moving pond iris - and also to everyone else working around ponds 2 and 1. 8 volunteers got through the morning's work, including one new D of E Silver student plus dad, who were made welcome. Afterwards, Richard S and others put up barrier tape and warning notices around the top ash tree where tree surgery will be done in early November.
Sunday 12 November
Entrance/roadside: Cut and clear roadside hedge, area between hedge and boardwalk; trim overhanging trees around entrance gates. Rake up gravel entrance path.
Unfortunately the work party had to be cancelled because of persistent rain. The hedge was cut during the following fortnight.
Sunday 26 November
Field 1 / Field 2: Cut / trim hedge between Field 1 and Field 2 near picnic tables. General tidy-up of both sides of hedge between five bar gate and top lychgate.
A good work party of 12 - despite mild drizzle. Six D of E students, two parents and four MG volunteers finished off the roadside hedge and cut / trimmed the hedge on both sides of the five bar gate.
Sunday 10 December
Field 2: Cut back this year’s bramble and nettle growth up F2 first slope. Clear small steps. Strim / clear area above steps to oak tree, and invasive plants at top of slope. Check path along F2 west side fence.
Around 12 volunteers including D of E students braved the rain to cut back the year's invasive brambles at the top of Field 2. Roger W's new seat was fitted by him and other volunteers in the pre-existing holes of the old seat by pond 1 - a brilliant job down under very wet conditions.
Sunday 24 December
Field 1: General tidy up – clear willow herb from small stream; cut back brambles / nettles around main grass dump in centre of F1 and on west slope below woodland. Trim west side hedge as required.
Around 8 volunteers - not bad for Christmas Eve. Area of Blackthorn was found to have Brown Hairstreak butterfly eggs!
Sunday 14 January
Field 1: Copse area - remove brambles and saplings and coppice some hazel as required.
An amazing 16 volunteers got the job done in one morning, plus some work on brambles at the top of the first field.
Sunday 28 January
Field 2: Clear new scrub growth in scrub-cleared areas from top path down slope to the spring.
A total of 14 volunteers (some working part of the period) completed the removal of two large areas of bramble scrub, opening up the centre of the field around the slope and the spring. The sheep were fed and the weather was mild.
Sunday 11 February
Field 2: cut back cranesbill / nettle growth on ‘silt heap’; general tidy up of ‘middle hedge’ and grass slope opposite lychgate.
The 'middle hedge area of Field 2 was tackled, with the main aim of ridding the area of intrusive brambles growing out into the grassland. One member worked on brambles between the lower wet area and the slope. A total of 14 volunteers - 8 adults and 6 D of E students were present. To early to cut back the cranesbill/nettles.
Sunday 25 February
Field 2: Clear brambles / hawthorn from lower area between wet flush and slope. Clear some willow herb and cut back brambles and ash saplings in wet flush. Tidy / repair F2 boardwalks. Nest boxes
The group of 10 volunteers tackled a large area of the wet flush, cutting and pulling out several years of growth so that the area can regenerate this summer.
Sunday 10 March
Field 1: Clear excess vegetation from the central shrub patch, remove the old barbed wire fencing from the scrub area around the second pond, coppice hazel for moat repair; clear brambles and scrub in central lower part of Field 2.
11 volunteers made much shorter work of the scrub patch and barbed wire that expected, so other jobs could be achieved too. The weather gave us a mild but dry 'window' before heavy rain at lunch.
Wednesday 13 March
NFU Mutual Insurance working party – rebuild and extend back steps in Field 2 - 9.30 to 12.30
Excellent team of 10 people achieved good result unimproved the site and safety of the path - many thanks
Sunday 24 March 2024
Field 2: Cut back brambles growing into grassland at top of slope beyond main steps and on access paths to north east corner. Check steps – repairs? Ensure access along F2 north side fence is clear.
At the final work party of the winter season, there were 12 volunteers, including 5 D of E students. Steps were repaired, a hazel coppiced and brambles cleared at the top of Field 2 - all in pleasant spring sunshine.
Prior work party plan - completed.....
Spring / Summer 2023
Sun April 9 Easter Sunday
Field 2: Continue work on wet area – removing some dead willow herb, reedmace etc, and trim adjacent bramble clumps as required. Clear area behind fence by main stream to allow access for repairing the crushed fence behind brambles.
A small group, being Easter Sunday, but the partial restoration of the small Field 2 pond was done, as well as clearing prior year growth of reedmace and some brambles. (On 8th April, three volunteers with a chain saw cut up some fallen Hawthorn that had crushed some 10 metres of the east fence in Field 2, ready for a fence repair later in the year).
Sun April 23
Field 2: Cut and clear nettles and brambles by large ash tree adjacent to top lychgate. Cut/pull new nettle growth towards the top steps, and also on ‘silt heap’ in lower part of field.
12 volunteers, with nettles cleared on top slopes of Field 2 and 'quantity surveying' for a boardwalk over the new wet area in F2 done by D of E volunteers. Silt heap and lychgate area deferred.
Sun May 14
Field 1: Prepare Pond 2 for School visits – 6 access points with clear water and pond edges. Strim around the two seats, and remove all brambles and nettles by pond. Cut back brambles / nettles around picnic tables and in area of alder tree by stream access. Check levels of boardwalk - rectify any trip hazards.
11 volunteers enjoyed a warm, sunny morning and achieved the objectives - plus improving the surface of the path through the top gate to field two, strimming the main gateway to Field 2 and oiling all locks and gate hinges, and adding a wire barrier to prevent dogs straying into 'Gore's land'.
Sun May 28
Field 2: Clear new nettle / thistle growth in grassland around the concrete seat, in the orchard and down slopes.
7 volunteers (half term) made an excellent job of clearing nettles in the Field 2 orchard area and also the insides of all the fruit tree guards.
Sun Jun 11
Field 2: Restoration of environment of the two lower fruit trees and the area around, in mid field. Remove damaged cage from plum tree. Continue removing invasive nettles / thistles in lower part of field and on silt heap. Good work by the group, who also decided to leave the broken tree guard in situ.
Sun June 25
Field 1: Remove hogweed, dock leaves, nettles and some thistles from the lower areas prior to annual mowing / baling of field. Check small stream.
Check / clear pond 2 access for remaining School visits. Excellent effort with 8 volunteers on a hot morning removing invasives from Field 1 mowing area.
Sun July 9
Field 1: Annual cut / strim of moat banks – west and north sides. Pull excess moat plant growth out of water on west side and leave to dry on bank before removal. Not sure how long this would take - but 80% of the job done with 7 volunteers - a brilliant effort by all concerned.
Sun July 23
Field 1: Annual cut / strim of moat banks – south and east sides. Dump cuttings on habitat heaps in copse. A brilliant job done by 10 volunteers - both the south and the east sides of the moat were cut and the north side also finished off.
A butterfly count will also be done, conditions permitting. Jane R did the Big Butterfly count and also recorded damselflies and dragonflies on Pond 2.
Sun Aug 13
Field 1: “Strimming party” to commence strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Cut new invasive brambles in dumping area in mid-field. 10 volunteers (on and off) with three strimmers, plus the all important raker-uppers, made good progress on the top slope in Field 1.
Sun Aug 27
Field 1: “Strimming party” to complete strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Check / lubricate all locks, hinges and other metalwork. Field 1 banks not quite complete, due to only 'one and a half' strimmers, but 9 volunteers had an enjoyable time.
Sun Sept 10
Field 2: Clear any new invasive blackthorn in grass area near concrete seat and elsewhere in field (leaving Management Plan area 1). First we had to clear up unbaled hay from the small triangular part of field 1 near the wet area. This was done successfully with 7 volunteers, who then moved on to clear the blackthorn and some invasive brambles along the field 2 top path
Sun Sept 24
Field 2: Prepare the field for winter sheep grazing – remove excess nettles and thistles and all seeded burdocks. Check fences. Actually, this plan was altered a bit, as the sheep are already in Field 2: James B did great work in digging out the 2 seat stumps from the broken seat in Field 1; and 5 volunteers cleared a 20 metre area of scrub, ready for the CSR party on 9 October to repair the east fence in Field 2. A great morning's work!
Prior work party plan - completed.....
Spring / Summer 2023
Sun April 9 Easter Sunday
Field 2: Continue work on wet area – removing some dead willow herb, reedmace etc, and trim adjacent bramble clumps as required. Clear area behind fence by main stream to allow access for repairing the crushed fence behind brambles.
A small group, being Easter Sunday, but the partial restoration of the small Field 2 pond was done, as well as clearing prior year growth of reedmace and some brambles. (On 8th April, three volunteers with a chain saw cut up some fallen Hawthorn that had crushed some 10 metres of the east fence in Field 2, ready for a fence repair later in the year).
Sun April 23
Field 2: Cut and clear nettles and brambles by large ash tree adjacent to top lychgate. Cut/pull new nettle growth towards the top steps, and also on ‘silt heap’ in lower part of field.
12 volunteers, with nettles cleared on top slopes of Field 2 and 'quantity surveying' for a boardwalk over the new wet area in F2 done by D of E volunteers. Silt heap and lychgate area deferred.
Sun May 14
Field 1: Prepare Pond 2 for School visits – 6 access points with clear water and pond edges. Strim around the two seats, and remove all brambles and nettles by pond. Cut back brambles / nettles around picnic tables and in area of alder tree by stream access. Check levels of boardwalk - rectify any trip hazards.
11 volunteers enjoyed a warm, sunny morning and achieved the objectives - plus improving the surface of the path through the top gate to field two, strimming the main gateway to Field 2 and oiling all locks and gate hinges, and adding a wire barrier to prevent dogs straying into 'Gore's land'.
Sun May 28
Field 2: Clear new nettle / thistle growth in grassland around the concrete seat, in the orchard and down slopes.
7 volunteers (half term) made an excellent job of clearing nettles in the Field 2 orchard area and also the insides of all the fruit tree guards.
Sun Jun 11
Field 2: Restoration of environment of the two lower fruit trees and the area around, in mid field. Remove damaged cage from plum tree. Continue removing invasive nettles / thistles in lower part of field and on silt heap. Good work by the group, who also decided to leave the broken tree guard in situ.
Sun June 25
Field 1: Remove hogweed, dock leaves, nettles and some thistles from the lower areas prior to annual mowing / baling of field. Check small stream.
Check / clear pond 2 access for remaining School visits. Excellent effort with 8 volunteers on a hot morning removing invasives from Field 1 mowing area.
Sun July 9
Field 1: Annual cut / strim of moat banks – west and north sides. Pull excess moat plant growth out of water on west side and leave to dry on bank before removal. Not sure how long this would take - but 80% of the job done with 7 volunteers - a brilliant effort by all concerned.
Sun July 23
Field 1: Annual cut / strim of moat banks – south and east sides. Dump cuttings on habitat heaps in copse. A brilliant job done by 10 volunteers - both the south and the east sides of the moat were cut and the north side also finished off.
A butterfly count will also be done, conditions permitting. Jane R did the Big Butterfly count and also recorded damselflies and dragonflies on Pond 2.
Sun Aug 13
Field 1: “Strimming party” to commence strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Cut new invasive brambles in dumping area in mid-field. 10 volunteers (on and off) with three strimmers, plus the all important raker-uppers, made good progress on the top slope in Field 1.
Sun Aug 27
Field 1: “Strimming party” to complete strimming / clearing upper slopes of grassland not cut and baled. Check / lubricate all locks, hinges and other metalwork. Field 1 banks not quite complete, due to only 'one and a half' strimmers, but 9 volunteers had an enjoyable time.
Sun Sept 10
Field 2: Clear any new invasive blackthorn in grass area near concrete seat and elsewhere in field (leaving Management Plan area 1). First we had to clear up unbaled hay from the small triangular part of field 1 near the wet area. This was done successfully with 7 volunteers, who then moved on to clear the blackthorn and some invasive brambles along the field 2 top path
Sun Sept 24
Field 2: Prepare the field for winter sheep grazing – remove excess nettles and thistles and all seeded burdocks. Check fences. Actually, this plan was altered a bit, as the sheep are already in Field 2: James B did great work in digging out the 2 seat stumps from the broken seat in Field 1; and 5 volunteers cleared a 20 metre area of scrub, ready for the CSR party on 9 October to repair the east fence in Field 2. A great morning's work!
Prior work party plan - completed.....
Autumn / Winter 2022 - 2023
Friday October 7
Moat Island: NFU Mutual Insurance working party – clear undergrowth – brambles, hawthorn etc
10.00 to 12.30
1st Sunday - October 9
Field 1: Finish cutting moat banks – south and east side. Cut back brambles where intruding into grassland around main grass dump in centre of F1 and on west slope below woodland.
Continued with moat island instead
2nd Sunday October 23
Entrance and roadside: Cut and clear roadside hedge, area between hedge and boardwalk, entrance including overhanging yew / holm oak / sycamore etc. Clean notice boards.
Cancelled - too wet
1st Sunday - November 13
Field 1: Cut back areas round both ponds, in pond edges, and clear some veg from both ponds (waders) (veg will need removing from grass a few days later). Pull / cut back nettles / brambles behind picnic tables.
A lot achieved, and we will return to this area to prepare for 2023 School visits
2nd Sunday November 27
Field 1 / Field 2: Cut / trim hedge between Field 1 and Field 2 near picnic tables. General tidy-up of both sides of hedge between top lychgate and main gate between F1 and F2. Remove fallen Hawthorn by field entrance.
Some really good teamwork, and we welcomed two new Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award volunteers - William and Libby.
1st Sunday - December 11
Field 2: Cut back brambles, rose and hawthorn by lychgate and up F2 first slope. Clear small steps. Strim / clear area at top of slope above steps. Keep access along F2 west side fence clear.
Cancelled - falling snow and icy conditions
Wednesday December 28 (i.l.o. 25)
Field 2: As per the cancelled 11 Dec work party - Cut back brambles, rose and hawthorn by lychgate and up F2 first slope. Clear small steps. Strim / clear area at top of slope above steps. Keep access along F2 west side fence clear.
Cancelled - too wet
1st Sunday - January 8
Field 1: As per Dec 2022 cancelled work parties - Cut back brambles up F2 first slope. Clear small steps. Clear brambles area at top of slope above steps.
A great turn out - with 17 volunteers including all 8 D of E Award students.
2nd Sunday January 22
Field 1: Copse area east of moat - clear brambles and low undergrowth. Annual cut of blackthorn ‘Area 2’ at head of stream around ‘fairy bridge’ (ref. management plan).
Another good turn-out despite the starting temperature being -2°C. All the work was done - with 14 volunteers - and thanks also to Richard Shepherd for mending areas of the boardwalk netting - an important safety feature.
Extra work party Sunday January 29
Field 1: Finish copse area as required . Change of plan as the coppice was finished on 22nd: coppice the Moat Island.
The bridge was erected and the whole job done within the two hours of the work party, with 12 volunteers present.
1st Sunday - February 12
Field 2: Clear new scrub growth in scrub-cleared areas beside path to concrete seat and on slope down to the spring. Prune any fruit tree branches at eye level and clear insides of tree guards. Thanks to Richard for hosting this work party.
2nd Sunday February 26
Field 2: Clear brambles / hawthorn from lower area between wet flush and slope. Clear some willow herb and cut back brambles and saplings in wet flush. Tidy / repair F2 boardwalks. 9 volunteers present - one new volunteer welcomed - and a pleasant sunny morning.
1st Sunday - March 12
Field 2: Cut brambles / pull nettles along ‘middle hedge’ and up grass slope opposite lychgate. General tidy-up of trees in middle hedge.
16 volunteers, so we got some other work in Field 2 done as well.
2nd Sunday – March 26
Field 2: Cut back brambles growing into grassland at top of slope beyond main steps and on access paths to north east corner. Check steps – repairs? Ensure access along F2 north side fence is clear.
14 volunteers - brambles cleared and the ditch dug / cleared in the north east corner. Good progress - our last work party of the Winter season.